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Tuesday 28 December 2010

See you in Sydney

My bag is packed and Im ready to go,

There are so many things to sort out when going away for a while, had to sort out the car (cliopatra) insurance and tax and all that - also cleared it out, which took 3 black bin-bags to get all the crap out. If anyone needs 94 empty Robinson's bottles or 57 red-bull cans, just let me know.

It seems that Craig is far more organised than I am, he sent me a check list of everything he had in his bag and it was waaay longer than the list i could make from what Ive packed. Im hoping the Thai markets are good.

My little cousins came over with my aunty and uncle to wish me well...I battered my Uncle at Mariokart which was nice... Then had a cheeky Nando's with the family, was pleasantly surprised to see they were serving Savanna Dry Cider so I had one of those - brought back some great South Africa memories.

Chris text me today (the guy from uni who is meeting us in Australia) - was awesome to be able to say "See you in Sydney" on a text and actually mean it...mental.

So yes, all ready to go, got my travelling outfit planned, which is difficult when you go from Cambridge snow to Bangkok 34 degree heat in less than 24 hours...Ipod is charged and books are packed, so the journey there is pretty much sorted - I will treasure my last night in this lovely double bed, seeing as ill be spending the next 6 months sharing dorms with 20 or so other travellers and sleeping on hot used single bunk beds, yum.

Anyway - I leave first thing in the morning, so Goodbye to you all - I will blog as and when, along with adding some pics and/or videos to keep people in the loop and maybe even entertained.

p.s Big thank you to all at Soccer All-stars, especially Clemo - All the guys at the green man pub, (including the customers...cheeeeers for the tips) As I wouldnt be able to do this if it wasnt for your employment!

Also massive thanks to my family and friends for all the support and generosity over the last 6 months x

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