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Sunday 20 March 2011

East coast


so a few days since Ive managed to get on the internet, so ill try and give a good idea of whats happened...

After a nights sleep in toms house, (well...i say a nights sleep, but i mean being woken up by a girl going "WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY?" to Tom when she got in from a night out...she was goin mental at him for letting us sleep there, awkward.) We loaded the van with boards and hit the beach...the conditions were terrible but we had a go anyway...we were worse than the conditions.

Drove on back to Melbourne where Toms parents had offered us a night's stay...nice people, actually really nice people...sat and had a beer with the whole family.

Dave, who I was at uni with, now lives in Melbourne so I went and met him later than night in the city centre...which is beautiful at night. We hit the casino, as we used to do in leeds on the regs...I won 50 dollars. Dave is working in a box factory, basically packing boxes for 6 hours a day...getting paid 20 dollars an hour...unbelievable.

Next day we set off on the looooong journey back to Sydney, roughly 900km. I had a couple of Monster energy drinks and did a 6 hour stint til 1.30 am...needless to say, it took ages to sleep as I was pretty much shaking.

So after hours of endless driving, we managed to get past Sydney, on through Newcastle and stopped at Coffs harbour (Ive now been to Newcastle in both South Africa and Australia before Ive even set foot in the real one.) Coffs was nice enough, few beaches and a big pier which I jumped off into the sea...The weather was getting a bit minging so we moved on. Then the weather went really bad and a massive storm hit...we were right into the eye, could hardly see as it was now dark and the rain was smashing into the windscreen. It was an awesome storm though.

Crashed in a little park that had BBQ's, had some burgers and a beer for dinner then hit the hay...a couple of hours later, a load of 'bogans' (chavs) parked up, wacked their headlights on, got out of the car and had a big discotheque. Loudest thing ever, and the worst music didnt help that they played the same shite song a thousand times either.

We finally made it to Byron Bay, which is where I am now...It was sunny so we went up to the lighthouse on Cape Byron, to see the views and the Dolphins, really beautiful stuff.

Booked a surf lesson, which seemed wise after our performance in Melbs...Had that yesterday and it was awesome, stood up nearly every wave, and even pulled off a little trick...cant wait to get back on the board.

As it was Saturday last night, we hit the town...had a few drinks with people in the campsite and got a taxi in to the centre. Wasnt the best night in the world...full of 18 year old gap yar students...not ideal. Still better than Ballare.

And thats abooout it...just chilling off the hangover today, heading to Nimbin tomorrow which is meant to be pretty good.

Hope everyone is well, and Ill blog again when I next get on the internet

Cheers x

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