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Saturday 1 January 2011


Happy new year everyone,

I have a Chang-over.

Was an amazing New years party here, they really go mental for it.

After writing my last post, we went back to the hotel and sorted our lives out i.e. booked our overnight sleeping train down to the islands. Its a 13 hour journey, plus another 3 hour bus ride before we get to Krabi. You get beds and air conditioning on the train though which should be interesting. The hotel we are staying in when we arrive in Krabi is a bit too nice really, but we thought we'd treat ourselves after the epic journey. The plan is to stay there the night then hit Phi Phi the following day, then Phuket, making sure we get to Koh Phangan for the Full moon party on the 19th...Obviously we will be visiting many other islands and places but I cant remember all their names right now. We return to Bangkok on the 22nd for one night then get another ridiculously long train journey north to Chang Mai which is close to the Laos border. We've booked a 2 day trek for when we get there, which im really looking forward to.

Also booked VISAs for Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia for after the trek.

After all that kerfuffle we hit the hay (separate beds.) Woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the night ahead. Decided to go to Central World for the countdown as the tour guide woman recommended it to us...we weren't disappointed. Got a proper taxi there instead of the Tuk Tuks (I realised they are called Tuk Tuks, not Puk Puks, which would explain why they are pronounced Took Tooks.) as we were getting in, someone said "do you wana split the cab?" It was a Danish guy called Tez (or something along those lines) and his Danish friend whose name escapes me...I remember her describing herself as sassy so Ill call her that. We shared the taxi with them and they both seemed really cool so we stayed together at central world and saw the new year in with them. Sassy got some fried grasshoppers from a stall...I ate one. I was quite scared to be honest, it looked absolutely mingin'. But I puffed out my chest and gobbled it up...It really wasnt too bad, just tasted of crunchy fried salt...I didn't have seconds.

The countdown was amazing, so many people there (wasn't worried about getting lost though, as Craig and I stand a good foot taller than EVERYONE in Thailand.) The fireworks were stunning - there's a video Ive put on here, I hope it works.

After the countdown we got a Tuk Tuk back with Tez and Sassy to Kao San road to carry on with the party. This was an even more wacky ride home... a mix between mario-kart, gran turismo, ridge racer and wacky races. Petrified passengers in traffic jams high fiving and wishing eachother a happy new year, all while doubting they'll get to see much of it with that sort of driving.

Went to a few bars when we got back to Kao San road, could hardly move with all the street parties a couple of Chang towers (towers full of beer that you can pour yourself) and a couple of buckets. Craig had too many, which became obvious when he fell flat on his arse in The Club...I took him home shortly after that.

Anyway, woke up in the morning feeling like the maid to come and clean the room for the first time - we asked how long it would take for her to clean it as we wanted to sleep again after breakfast (This time had scrammers and bacon). She said it would take 6 minutes...She then opened the door to the room and shouted "Make it ten!" ... little legend.

Going to chill out tonight and fully recover then begin the longest journey of my life after we check out tomorrow.

Cant wait to hit the Islands, going to be tantastic.

Much love,

Jay x

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