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Saturday 29 January 2011

Slow Boat to Laos

Hey everyone,

I am now in Luang Prabang, Laos.

So, left the Panda house inn, Chiang Mai at a much later time of 8.30...we were meant to leave at 12 but then got told that we were leaving at 8.30...the bus turned up at 9.30.

Drove for a while in a cramped minibus to a little house-type-thing where we stayed for a few hours til breakfast. We were in a room with a Canadian couple who are legends, but I slept on the worst mattress ever, I swear it was made of straw. Hardly slept, then had our breakfast and prepared to cross the border to Laos....When we all got onto a pick-up-truck to take us to the pier, a Black dog (kind of a lab) got on...few seconds later, another one got on and they started to fight...and by fight, I mean a Tyson v Kimbo Slice street fight...It was insane, most people made like Gareth and Bailed off the side of the truck but one guy was caught up in the fight and had to hit the dogs til they gave up...he got bitten on the leg in the middle of it all and was bleeding...everybody said the same word at the same time, Rabies.

Anyway crossed the border then had the lovely task of queuing with loads of other backpackers at immigration to sort out all the bits and pieces with VISA etc. Finally got through all that and made it to the next pier for our slow boat through Laos. It was slow. Slow to load, slow to get going, and slow. This was made worse by the fact that every (close your eyes Josh) wanker ended up on our boat. They were all carrying no crates of beer and whiskey and shouting about it. urgh. Then a guitar came out, which is cool...but they murdered a lot of songs that I like. All shouting and screaming and showing off, getting up on the roof etc. It can seem cool and funny but there are loads of booze cruises in Magaluf and Tenerife, so theres no need to spoil Laos as well. Anyway, got through it and stopped in Pakbeng village for the night. We were the last boat to land so finding accommodation was tough, really tough. Every place was full. After a while of walking up and down hills, and asking people where to go we were led to a hotel by a young girl who worked for the place. Her English was really good and I asked where she learned the language. She said school so I asked how old she was...14. Child labour. Then she asked if we smoked weed and if we wanted some drugs, including opium. I sad theres no way I would buy any type of drugs from a 14 year old girl and she laughed and said "please" unbelievable. We got to her hotel and they were full...shock. The one next door was turning groups of people away, but as we walked past, the lady said she had two beds so we went with the roof. Yes the roof, a lovely shed on the roof. With two beds and mozzy nets. Thats all. The toilet was on the other side of the roof and there was no shower. With no other options we paid the equivalent of 2 pounds each and settled in. There was no lock on the outside of the door so we couldnt even go and get a few beers. We decided that I would go down to the stalls while Craig guarded the room, I mean shed. Got some snacks and Laobeer, the new Chang. Went to bed as there was nothing else to do. Woke up and got on the boat again. This time the wankers werent all on our boat, but the guitar came out again, luckily it was more of a chilled out "gig" so it was bearable...The guy who got bitten by the dog was on board and he had with him a case that had to be stored under a certain temperature, guessing its some sort of treatment for his bite. Arrived in Luang Prabeng this evening and had another search for a room. Managed to find an actual room this time in a family run guest-house. 2 beds, fan, toilet/shower just down the hall...and believe it or not, it costs under 2 pounds each. Unbelievable. Just had a lovely meal of a big burger, with egg, bacon, pineapple and fries, the works...with a big bottle of laobeer...all for around 4 pounds. ( oh and the toilet is a western toilet which is a result, the one on the boat was a "hover and hold" style, the tchoukers will know what that means)

Oh, also been taking Doxycycline for the old Malaria. Its meant to make you poo funny...ill keep you all informed.

Anyway, that's about it for now...hope you are all well.


P.S I have been informed that my little cousin Josh scored a hatty at the weekend, and his sister Mollie got moved up a group in Gym....Very talented those idea where they get it from mind. x

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