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Saturday 29 January 2011

Slow Boat to Laos

Hey everyone,

I am now in Luang Prabang, Laos.

So, left the Panda house inn, Chiang Mai at a much later time of 8.30...we were meant to leave at 12 but then got told that we were leaving at 8.30...the bus turned up at 9.30.

Drove for a while in a cramped minibus to a little house-type-thing where we stayed for a few hours til breakfast. We were in a room with a Canadian couple who are legends, but I slept on the worst mattress ever, I swear it was made of straw. Hardly slept, then had our breakfast and prepared to cross the border to Laos....When we all got onto a pick-up-truck to take us to the pier, a Black dog (kind of a lab) got on...few seconds later, another one got on and they started to fight...and by fight, I mean a Tyson v Kimbo Slice street fight...It was insane, most people made like Gareth and Bailed off the side of the truck but one guy was caught up in the fight and had to hit the dogs til they gave up...he got bitten on the leg in the middle of it all and was bleeding...everybody said the same word at the same time, Rabies.

Anyway crossed the border then had the lovely task of queuing with loads of other backpackers at immigration to sort out all the bits and pieces with VISA etc. Finally got through all that and made it to the next pier for our slow boat through Laos. It was slow. Slow to load, slow to get going, and slow. This was made worse by the fact that every (close your eyes Josh) wanker ended up on our boat. They were all carrying no crates of beer and whiskey and shouting about it. urgh. Then a guitar came out, which is cool...but they murdered a lot of songs that I like. All shouting and screaming and showing off, getting up on the roof etc. It can seem cool and funny but there are loads of booze cruises in Magaluf and Tenerife, so theres no need to spoil Laos as well. Anyway, got through it and stopped in Pakbeng village for the night. We were the last boat to land so finding accommodation was tough, really tough. Every place was full. After a while of walking up and down hills, and asking people where to go we were led to a hotel by a young girl who worked for the place. Her English was really good and I asked where she learned the language. She said school so I asked how old she was...14. Child labour. Then she asked if we smoked weed and if we wanted some drugs, including opium. I sad theres no way I would buy any type of drugs from a 14 year old girl and she laughed and said "please" unbelievable. We got to her hotel and they were full...shock. The one next door was turning groups of people away, but as we walked past, the lady said she had two beds so we went with the roof. Yes the roof, a lovely shed on the roof. With two beds and mozzy nets. Thats all. The toilet was on the other side of the roof and there was no shower. With no other options we paid the equivalent of 2 pounds each and settled in. There was no lock on the outside of the door so we couldnt even go and get a few beers. We decided that I would go down to the stalls while Craig guarded the room, I mean shed. Got some snacks and Laobeer, the new Chang. Went to bed as there was nothing else to do. Woke up and got on the boat again. This time the wankers werent all on our boat, but the guitar came out again, luckily it was more of a chilled out "gig" so it was bearable...The guy who got bitten by the dog was on board and he had with him a case that had to be stored under a certain temperature, guessing its some sort of treatment for his bite. Arrived in Luang Prabeng this evening and had another search for a room. Managed to find an actual room this time in a family run guest-house. 2 beds, fan, toilet/shower just down the hall...and believe it or not, it costs under 2 pounds each. Unbelievable. Just had a lovely meal of a big burger, with egg, bacon, pineapple and fries, the works...with a big bottle of laobeer...all for around 4 pounds. ( oh and the toilet is a western toilet which is a result, the one on the boat was a "hover and hold" style, the tchoukers will know what that means)

Oh, also been taking Doxycycline for the old Malaria. Its meant to make you poo funny...ill keep you all informed.

Anyway, that's about it for now...hope you are all well.


P.S I have been informed that my little cousin Josh scored a hatty at the weekend, and his sister Mollie got moved up a group in Gym....Very talented those idea where they get it from mind. x

Thursday 27 January 2011

Chiang Mai

Good morning everyone...

So we are currently in Chiang Mai, north Thailand. Its lovely up here, lots to do and see. Back in Bangkok we booked a trek for two days up to the mountain, so we left for that a couple days ago.

So, 9.30 got picked up at the hotel, by a "Red truck" These things are like Tuk Tuks but bigger, basically a red pick up truck with all passengers squeezed in the back. There were ten of us on the trek; 2 Danish women who were both over 60, 5 Koreans, an american-Korean and us. Looking round the truck, i thought; "Oh dear..." Seeing as we were the youngest there, and noone was speaking a word of English. But after a while, the american-Korean girl, Sun turned out to be a laugh and translated between Korean and English. The old Danes spoke a little English as well. The tour guy was a legend as well so it turned out to be an awesome trip. We were dropped off at the Elephant ranch and were given lunch (rice and veg) then rode the elphants around the jungle, down to the river and back again. Was uncomfortable but awesome. The Elephants looked really grumpy but I reckon our one had a dry sense of humour and was splashing us at the river. Just subtly as well...she knew what she was doing.

Then we started our 3 hour trek to the top of the mountain (it took us 90 mins to climb Table mountain in SA last year, so that gives you an idea of the height) It was nice and easy to start with, but it got harder, especially in the 30+ degree heat. We had a break at a big log, which is where we filmed the video which is going on facebook. From then we went up again to the little tribal village. Had the coldest shower ive ever had, but it was nice after the sweaty climb. Luckily they had some Chang to sell us so got on that pretty quick. They made us dinner, soup stir-fry and rice (again). Was delicious. After dinner they lit a fire and we all sat round looking up at the stars (by the way, ive never seen so many stars, it was mental) One of the tribe people got a guitar out and sang some Thai songs. (Guitar + fire + chang + stars + mountain = ledge). Eventually went to bed after a few more bed I mean floor with a cushion and a pillow made of lead. I didnt sleep well. Woke up feeling awful ... Chang-over along with muscle aches from the clmb and the sleeping arrangements made for a grumpy Jamie. As soon as I saw the view though, that changed. It was incredible. ... Then I wondered if it was rice for breakfast, luckly it wasnt - scrambled eggs and toast, with tea...yum. Started walking again for an hour and a half to a waterfall. rested there, so me and craig got in and under the waterfall , was absolutely freezing. Then down to the river (another hour) for rafting. (By the way, each time i give you for how long we walked, add another hour for the old danes. They were soooo slow) It was white water rafting so we got helmets, which is a surprise considering ive not seen a single seat belt since being here, and entered the boat. Was great fun, the oldies bottled it (thank god as they were going to be on our boat) Rafted down til we got to some bamboo rafts, got on them and carried on. Lunch (Pad Thai, get in) And then drove from there back to the hotel at about 5. Slept straight through til this morning. Woke up and decided to go to the Tiger Kingdom. Craig didnt fancy it so I got in a little red truck and headed out. Went in with the big bad boys and then the little baby ones. Each time you can touch and lay on them and everything.. Really are awesome creatures. And they werent in chains or anything, which was good. The little ones were quite playful but the older ones were just like "alright, dont touch the head. we both know I can eat you so lets just get this done"

And now im back in the hotel writing this. We leave tonight for Laos, will take til the ealry hours to reach the border where we stay for a night, then cross in the morning...go to the river and board the slow boat (aptly named as it takes about 15 hours to travel what a speed boat can do in 6) We stop overnight in Pakbeng Village, then the following day, after an 8 hour journey back on the boat - we will arrive in luang prabang. Stay there for a night then head down to VangVieng for the tubing.

Right Im offski,

Hope everyone is good


P.s Having a few issues with my camer, will go to a shop today and try get it sorted so i can upload pics of the tigers and trekking x

Saturday 22 January 2011

Back in Bangkok


So left Koh Phangan yesterday morning at 11am, and was on a boat for a few hours...then a bus from 630pm...was uncomfortable. Got to Bangkok at 4.30am....walked to the hotel hoping that our room would have nobody did. we Had to wait til 12 before we could check in so slept on the concrete with bag as a pillow. was uncomfortable. Was woken up by the receptionist at around 10 who told us our room was ready so we legged it in and slept....was comfortable.

Woke up at 12 and had a walk and a bit of shopping on Khaosan Road and some cheap Pad-Thai, just like old times.

Managed to get a hold of the third book in the millennium trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest - some guy bought the girl with the dragon tattoo off me for 100B and the new one only cost 140B so I was golden...Also bagged Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist which has been recommended to be a few times...Thats the long journey to Chang Mai sorted.

Will have a few changs tonight as we dont leave for Chang Mai til 7.30pm tomorrow.

So Im off - by the way, I managed to get a few photos up on facebook, as did Craig and Kim (who we met on Koh Phi Phi) so there are a few floating around. I haven't got any more to upload as didnt risk taking my camera out for full moon. Im sure there will be loads to take while trekking in Chang Mai.

Hope everyone is good,


P.S I heard a vish-room (viscous rumour) that The Hangover 2 is being filmed in Bangkok right x

Thursday 20 January 2011

Full Moon Party

Hey everyone,

Been a while since my last post - Will do my best to sum up whats happened since.

So we were in Koh Tao - and did our diving course which was awesome - Did 4 dives, along with pool training, theory and an exam (easy peasy) So we are both now certified divers for up to 18m.

Saw loads of tropical fish at "Twins" a dive site in Koh Tao, was so much fun. Left Koh Tao on the 18th on the ferry for Koh Phangan. It was rammed full of people going to the full moon party. Luckily we had already booked our hostel and settled in to our 16 bed dorm with one toilet between all of us. In fact its a pretty cool place, this french guy David runs the place and does safety briefings with all the guests to make sure they are safe during full moon. Theres a wii with mariokart as well - had a championship today with Craig, I won. So Chris, watch out, im keeping fresh for when I return and I shall batter you again! Craig has told me to mention that we played FIFA 11 on a PS3 and he destroyed me. I was not happy.

So on the 18th we headed to the beach then up to Kangaroo bar where we bumped into a few people we met in Phi Phi, stayed with them til the early hours then headed back. Spent the next day relaxing and preparing for the big party, both went and got vests and shorts to ruin as you get covered in paint. Had a big meal to line the stomach then it was party time. Played a few drinking games with some people in out dorm, painted eachother a bit then hit the beach with a couple of buckets. Met up with the Phi Phi lot and went from there. The Full Moon Party is awesome, would recommend to anyone to come and experience it at some point, thousands of people on the beach all going mental for hours and hours. Fireshows, Fire high jump, fire skipping, tug of war - all goes on all night for people to compete and win buckets. I did a fire limbo where you do a limbo under a scorching rope.

The word that came to mind throughout the night was 'Primal' - everyone on the beach with the moon out, all wearing next to nothing with paint and art all over the body, playing with fire and dancing...all a bit primal.

We had two meeting points so that when we all inevitably got split up we could meet back up. We had the Blue Tree, this tree thats lit up in the middle of the beach. It became a bit of a joke throughout the night as everyone kept getting lost but finding everyone sat under the big blue tree. We also had a meeting place we found up on 'mushroom mountain', if you go to the toilet, and carry on walking round the mountain theres some awesome little places to sit right on the edge looking out towards the sea and the beach. Felt a bit like the film The Beach as wed found a little place away from everyone else to sit and rest beforer going back to the party.

Got in at around 10am, a few people were still raving like mentalists on the beach when I left.

Woke up at about 6pm today and sorted out our return journey to Bangkok. We leave at 11am tomorrow and get to Bangkok the following morning...staying one night back in the hotel we first stayed in, and then heading up to Chang Mai which is another overnight train journey. Really looking forward to ChangMai, we have a 2 day trek booked, with Elephant riding and bamboo rafting, should be great. Then its off to Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia for our second month.

Anyway thats about it for now, hope everyone is well.

Catch up soon,

Jay x

P.S attempting to put photos on Facebook now, including the wonderful Thai Terry Tibbs

Saturday 15 January 2011


Hey guys,

We are in Koh Tao, a charming little Island, north of Koh Phangan...

Came straight from Koh Samui on the ferry, only took a couple hours.

Koh Samui is a strange place; we went and saw a giant Buddha, which apparently is a highlight...hmm. Then at night we got a tuk-tuk to find some nightlife...went to Reggae-pub which was ok, had a live band on and pool tables...then we walked around a bit more to find loads of empty nightclubs and bars, all with a few locals stood there as if waiting for a million tourists were going to party there...they werent. Rounded a corner to find that all the tourists and party goers were in one little square with a load of bars and clubs. Was ok but the vibe was just a bit strange.

Glad to have left Koh Samui, beaches are nice but thats about it. Koh Tao on the other hand is much better, really little Island thats being preserved well. Lots of diving happens here....Talking of which, we begin our PADI open water dive course today, 3 day course and will mean that we can dive anywhere in the world, woop.

I had forgotten to mention something from when we were in Phuket...On the night out before getting the epic ferry journey, we went into a nightclub full of groping locals...There was this one guy there who looked exactly like Terry Tibbs, I went up to him and said "Talk to me"...he didnt get it. I asked if we could take some pics with him, he said "you dont just take pics of terry tibbs, let me tell've got to seduce me" ... He didnt really say that, he just said no. So we had to be really sly about it, managed to get some pics...waiting for them to upload now, but its taking ages again. These computers really are poor.

Ive decided to just wack all the pics on facebook in one lump...hopefully from descriptions Ive given on this blog, people will be able to work out where they are. who they are etc etc...this will be done soon so keep an eye out


Wednesday 12 January 2011

Koh Samui

Hey everyone,

Currently in Koh Samui, 3rd largest Island of Thailand.

We left Phuket this morning at 7.40am, and arrived here at the hotel at gone was a looooong day, and so so hot. Plus we only got an hours sleep last night, so today has not been pretty.

Im sat out on the porch of the hotel with a laptop the boss lent me, nice guy. Craig is asleep.

So last night in, the place is totally ridiculous, (or tote ridic, if you're down with the kids). ladyboys everywhere, prostitutes galore, and locals that just grope you senseless as you walk through the streets. We decided to sink a few changs at the hostel to save money, and played a few rounds of shithead then left for the bars. Ended up in a club til the wee hours. Was pretty good but rammed with strange locals, that practically rape you when you go within a 5 metre radius.

Also went to an ice bar the night before. Its just a big chiller with a bar made of ice; the shot glasses were hollowed out ice cubes as well ,was cool. Well it was cold. Freezing in fact. Could only manage a shot in there then headed straight back out to the boiling sweaty seediness of Patong (area of Phuket we were in).

So yes, had the worst journey ever today on a changover, lack of sleep, overheated and over cramped. But feel good now as Ive just booked a backpackers in Koh Tao for the 14th to 16th. Meant to be really nice in Koh Tao, and the backpacker seems cool. Then we head to Koh Phangan for the full moon party, had to book five nights accom due to it being high season, so we arrive on the 17th but the party is actually on the 19th. Sure there'll be plenty to do before then though.

Right im starving so going to wake Craig and get some cheap grub.

Hope everyone is well, and shall catch up again when in Koh Tao.


Jay x

By the way, this laptop wont upload my pics. But I will put a load online as soon as i can

Tuesday 11 January 2011


Hey everyone,

Arrived in Phuket this morning, bumped into Nook at the port (Nook is a rrrrather good looking Thai girl I met a couple nights ago in Phi Phi) She recommended Patong beach and Karon beach. she was catching a flight back to Bangkok from Phuket and saw me at the port. (Dont worry, I wont be paying for her VISA and bringing her home.)

So we got a taxi to Karon for a look but it looked like not much was going on there, so we paid the guy a little extra to take us to a backpackers in Patong. Managed to grab the last 2 beds in the ten bed dorm here..another stroke of luck. The backpackers is a million times better than what we stayed in at Phi Phi: 10 bed dorm, ensuite plus communal bathrooms, hot running water, air con, lounge area with big screen and dvd's, computers, big matresses and nice staff. All for around 8 squid a night. We had a Mcdonalds today, guilty. Then hit the beach for some frisbee, reading and snoozing. I finished girl with the dragon tattoo, and have already got into the second in the series, 'The girl who played with fire'. (I had already finished An Idiot Abroad, which was awesome, cheers matt)

Came back for a shower and a little sleepy then got up and chilled in the lounge area. There was a load of food on a table in a buffet style...the woman who is the boss here said it was her birthday and for us to help ourselves, awesome! Really nice, spicy though...washed it down with a couple of Singha beers (Chang was sold out) then had a walk to the main to get an idea of where to go tomorrow night for a big blow out...its MENTAL. Every bar has a load of poles with women dancing on them, you get grabbed by women every three yards trying to get you to drink with them - they slap your arse, hug you, anythign to get you to drink at their place. We saw what looked like 4 ladyboys dancing on a little stage. This place is very similar to Bangkok; you are offered a suit, a Tuk-Tuk or a pingpong show every five yards, and you can hardly move on the streets. The main difference is that Bangkok seemed a bit more above board. We saw a whole line of prostitutes just stood there waiting for business, but it was so natural. Like six women waiting at a bus stop chatting about the weather and how bad the buses were...except I dread to think what these girls were having a conversation about.

We just came back now, its about 12.25am - eating Burger King crisps...yeh I know, Burger King crisps, mental isnt it. They are French toast flavoured snak type things, Im loving them but Craig isnt which means more for meeee baaabbbyyy.

Anyway, time to watch another movie then hit the hay...big day tomoro on the beach and a big night watching ladyboys dance on poles!!

Catch you soon,

Jay x

Sunday 9 January 2011

Sunday bloooody sunday

Really encapsulates the frustration of a sunday.

This sunday wasnt frustrating though, it was rrrather pleasant as we spent the day on a boat gong round the islands off of koh phi phi. Its pretty much as close to paradise you can get (to get to paradise you'd have to wipe out the chavs who are visiting the islands at the same joke, actual chavs turned up on a boat with the music blaring out some dance track., skin head jumped off beer in hand, urgh. Luckily we were about to leave Maya bay when this happened.)

I have uploaded a video we made at Maya bay today, briefly updating whats happened since leaving Bangkok. Ive also wacked a few pics on here of the events so far.

Anyway, hopefully the video will speak for itself, not sure how good the quality/sound is but if you turn it right up, it should be ok.

If its not watcahable can someone email me and ill reblog it via text, thanks.

Nearly finished "The girl with the dragon tattoo" Its immense. A girl in our dorm just finished the second one in the series and gave it to me. She was called Cobb, that wasnt her real name but I called her it when we first met as she had corn all over her face from eating a corn on the cobb, hence the cobb...good isnt it? Cheers.

A couple note on the photos on this post...

The one with charlie the chimp (My souvenir from working at Beckett park) is in Krabi...The one with my feet and charlie hanging off my flip flops was on the sleeping train....the pic of the whole in the ground is the toilet on the sleeping train...the boxing ring is in a bar down the road from where im sitting right now...people can volunteer to fight in order to win a free bucket of booze...the fights are awful. The thai boxers fight but its all staged as WWE but even worse, at one point the ref got hit with a plastic bottle on the back, he fell on the floor like hed been knocked out...unbeeelieeeevable.

By the way, Ive heard that my uncle reads my blog to my cousins, Josh and Mollie...hey you two, hope you're ok, love you both.

Ive decided not to upload the video onto this blog as its taking forever to puload, so ive wacked it on youtube... the link is below

Thanks for reading,

Jay x

P.S Pics havent uploaded, this computer is super-gay. So ill add a load of pics next time

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Koh Phi Phi

Hey everyone,

Currently in the beautiful Koh Phi Phi...

Got a lot to update on so will do a video diary and post it on here v soon, hopefully tomorrow at some point...

Jay x

Saturday 1 January 2011


Happy new year everyone,

I have a Chang-over.

Was an amazing New years party here, they really go mental for it.

After writing my last post, we went back to the hotel and sorted our lives out i.e. booked our overnight sleeping train down to the islands. Its a 13 hour journey, plus another 3 hour bus ride before we get to Krabi. You get beds and air conditioning on the train though which should be interesting. The hotel we are staying in when we arrive in Krabi is a bit too nice really, but we thought we'd treat ourselves after the epic journey. The plan is to stay there the night then hit Phi Phi the following day, then Phuket, making sure we get to Koh Phangan for the Full moon party on the 19th...Obviously we will be visiting many other islands and places but I cant remember all their names right now. We return to Bangkok on the 22nd for one night then get another ridiculously long train journey north to Chang Mai which is close to the Laos border. We've booked a 2 day trek for when we get there, which im really looking forward to.

Also booked VISAs for Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia for after the trek.

After all that kerfuffle we hit the hay (separate beds.) Woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the night ahead. Decided to go to Central World for the countdown as the tour guide woman recommended it to us...we weren't disappointed. Got a proper taxi there instead of the Tuk Tuks (I realised they are called Tuk Tuks, not Puk Puks, which would explain why they are pronounced Took Tooks.) as we were getting in, someone said "do you wana split the cab?" It was a Danish guy called Tez (or something along those lines) and his Danish friend whose name escapes me...I remember her describing herself as sassy so Ill call her that. We shared the taxi with them and they both seemed really cool so we stayed together at central world and saw the new year in with them. Sassy got some fried grasshoppers from a stall...I ate one. I was quite scared to be honest, it looked absolutely mingin'. But I puffed out my chest and gobbled it up...It really wasnt too bad, just tasted of crunchy fried salt...I didn't have seconds.

The countdown was amazing, so many people there (wasn't worried about getting lost though, as Craig and I stand a good foot taller than EVERYONE in Thailand.) The fireworks were stunning - there's a video Ive put on here, I hope it works.

After the countdown we got a Tuk Tuk back with Tez and Sassy to Kao San road to carry on with the party. This was an even more wacky ride home... a mix between mario-kart, gran turismo, ridge racer and wacky races. Petrified passengers in traffic jams high fiving and wishing eachother a happy new year, all while doubting they'll get to see much of it with that sort of driving.

Went to a few bars when we got back to Kao San road, could hardly move with all the street parties a couple of Chang towers (towers full of beer that you can pour yourself) and a couple of buckets. Craig had too many, which became obvious when he fell flat on his arse in The Club...I took him home shortly after that.

Anyway, woke up in the morning feeling like the maid to come and clean the room for the first time - we asked how long it would take for her to clean it as we wanted to sleep again after breakfast (This time had scrammers and bacon). She said it would take 6 minutes...She then opened the door to the room and shouted "Make it ten!" ... little legend.

Going to chill out tonight and fully recover then begin the longest journey of my life after we check out tomorrow.

Cant wait to hit the Islands, going to be tantastic.

Much love,

Jay x