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Saturday 30 April 2011

Part 3 - New Zealand

Sweet az bro.

I'm now in New Zealand..Auckland to be precise...

We made a poor decision to not sleep before our flight out of Sydney, which meant we only managed about an hours sleep on the plane, at 9am. Got to Nomads hostel quite easily, nice place...7 floors, sauna, massive kitchen, roof terrace and a decent bar. Obviously went straight to bed when we arrived, and slept through til the following morning. Pottered around most of the day, sorting things out like bus tickets and the like...then hit the town. Not a bad nightlife here to be fair, already beats most of Australia...The first bar we went into had a private function at the back, so we went in anyway (being absolute bad asses) and the place was full of leather-clad lunatics, listening to heavy metal. They didn't mind us being there, one even made a little remark that they were celebrating the royal wedding so we were more than welcome. Talking of which, thank god that's all over...They go on about it just as much as in England...its so boring, the hostel bar had it on the big screen - I nearly fell asleep.

Anyway, after the bad ass T-Bird party, we hit another place, which turned out to be a Dub-step club. Now, someone please tell me the appeal of Dub-step...I know its fashionable to like it nowadays, and perhaps I'm just not cool enough to like it...but its poor. Really poor.

So we moved onto a place called Cassette 9, which was playing more alternative music, and had a really good crowd. Threw some moves about and of course plenty of bant (banter)...Then finished the night with a triple cheeseburger from burger king..get in. On the way home, a steaming Chris Pearson starting brenting (doing the Brent dance from The Office) to every taxi we saw...they weren't as amused as I was.

Today was a bit of a write off, but went shopping to get some warmer clothes, as its pretty chilly out here (you'll be glad to know, its hotter in England).

Off to Bay of Islands the day after tomorrow, apparently dolphins, kayaking and other such activities are there so should be splendid.

I am in an Internet cafe a the moment, which doubles up as a Japanese Karaoke place. I can hear the worst singing Ive ever heard going on in the background. They are now killing Grease - Summer Lovin'
Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend


P.S Tragic news, Betty is no longer with us, she was left on a train from Auckland airport. She will be sorely missed, may she rest in peace.

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