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Saturday 16 April 2011

Soz about the Reef

Shortly after my last blog, as in within ten minutes, we had booked 3 dives on the reef going from Port Douglas (north of cairns). All we had to do was transfer the money over from our cancelled Whitsundays trip...which also meant we saved about 50 dollars. The dives were booked for two days later, so we had a day to chill out. Went out that night to the Woolshed, another trashy bar/club...but it was ok, good banter with the dutchies and their friends. At one point, we were dancing on the tables (ironically, obviously) and this old guy who was hammered was dancing next to us. Within 6 seconds, the guy had absolutely stacked it off the back of the table onto a load of chairs. He saved his pint. Then sat doing the drunken man head-nod-to-music move. What a tit.

Chris and Craig decided to go to the croc park the following day, but I didn't fancy it too much, so I stayed in Cairns with the Dutch girls for the day and had a lovely little lunch and coffee. Then drove up to pick them off and head up to Port Douglas. P.Doug (as i call it) is a lovely little place with a few shops and cafes, with a couple of big marinas. We parked Helen up beside the marina which serves as a good view when you wake up dripping with sweat. Didn't do much as we were all pretty knackered, and we had to be on-board the boat at 8.15am.

So the next morning, we awoke and boarded the lovely Quicksilver Silver-Swift boat. Besides children, we were the youngest on the boat...It was mainly full of rich families, but that was nice to have a bit of luxury for once. They served an awesome breakfast, all inclusive, and an even better lunch later on.

Craig and I did 3 certified dives, as we got our licence in Koh Tao, Chris did 2 intro dives. It was incredible. Just completely insane to be honest, the sheer volume of life down there is hard to take in. Fish of all colours and sizes, giant clams, Barracudas, Manta-Ray, and even a shark. Apparently it was really special to see a Manta-Ray on that dive so I guess we were lucky there. The giant clam was definitely a doesn't sound like it...but these huge things that have been there for god knows how long, sit there open mouthed, and if you put your hand in the opening and touch the sides, it snaps shut. By giant, I mean giant, like bigger than me. I wont go on about it too long, but its just impeccable.

Had a couple of beers by the marina when we disembarked then hit the hay.

The following morning we headed further north to Cape Tribulation, which is a huge national park made of rain forest. We did a couple of boardwalks through the rain forest, one of which was a bored-walk (as i called it) as it was all to do with mangroves zzzzzz. Then we visited a swimming whole, which is basically on a meander of a stream, and has little rope swings into the water...It was amazing there, couldve stayed all day at this spot. As always, some pics will be appearing on facebook soon.

Got back to Cairns last night, and I headed out to meet the Dutchies, as it was their last night before going down south. I met Sandy outside, and the rest came out and chatted for a bit...We decided to go inside, but Sandy hadn't been given a stamp, so she told the bouncer and he said that was no problem, just go in whenever. So we popped in, all of her friends got let straight through, but she was stopped. So it was just me and her stood there with a different huge bouncer which I think was the boss... he had a shite goatee beard. He said "You have to pay, you don't have a stamp" , she explained the situation as best she could, considering her English isn't perfect. Still he said "No you have to pay, I don't give stamps out" This was obviously a lie, so I said that her friends had just got in with stamps, and that Sandy wasn't given one when she left earlier. It still didn't get into his thick skull. Sandy gave up and said, "Ok Im not sure he understands me, but I'll pay" and got her money out. So then this beardy twat bouncer says "no, step outside, go party somewhere else, I wont be talked to like that" he got up and started walking her out, so I said "Woooah, what you doing there? you've obviously misunderstood something, we are going to pay to get in"

He replied with "You can go too" he pushed me out and added "Fuck off". Nice guy. I said "Alllllriiight big dog" and we left.

Her friends came back out, and we went and had some goon back at their hostel, then onto a little bar that had a live band on. These guys were Rasta dudes with a couple guitars, and they sang the classic hits such as 'Lean on me', and 'I can see clearly now the rain has gone'. To be fair, they were really of their aunties was there dancing. She was a right hoochy-mama, whistling and shouting and grinding her booty etc. so funny. By the way, I hope the word Hoochy-mama isnt offensive...I don't think it is...and it wasn't meant to be.

Plan for today = pool and sunbathing.

Catch you soon,


p.s For some reason, this blog has had views in Chili, Canada, USA, Germany and Malaysia...Which is really strange, but awesome at the the same time...Hope you're enjoying it.

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