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Monday 25 April 2011

Sydney again


So we had to depart from the lovely was emotional. In fact it was hilarious...we pulled up to the garage to drop it off, the guy who ran the place came out to inspect the van...he was stood at the side, looking at the scratch and smashed window as I got out..He said "So the windows smashed?" I explained the whole robbery, and that the company shouldve informed him...they hadn't. Then he said, "And whats that?!" pointing at the massive scratch covering two panels...I said "Ah that's just a scratch"

"Just a scratch?! Its FUCKED!" He did not look happy, not one bit. It was pretty awkward now, especially when he walked round the other side of the van and saw the other smashed window. He was gradually getting more annoyed...Then he entered the van, after a minute or so he said "You know you are supposed to clean it." "Yeh we gave it a once over, washed up an' that" I replied... Then he started looking through all the plates and cutlery...All of them them still had bits of noodles and other ming on them, he just looked at them obviously disgusted. It was hard not to laugh, I had to turn round and walk a few yards away before I pissed myself.  "you washed all this up right?" he said, while holding a broken cup covered in bean juice. I didn't know what to say, so I plumped for "We bought a can have that." He ignored me. Then he opened up the fridge to find it was still full, then opened the gas cooker cover to find loads of noodles, beans, rice and other stuff stuck to it. He looked like he'd given up.

So anyway, we did over a 1000 dollars worth of damage to Helen, so that's the bond gone.

So after a couple more days of chilling in Cairns, we had our last night out. Went to the Woolshed, and did the usual stuff such as dancing with the ants, tapping people's shoulders and turning know, the norm.

Had about 3 hours sleep then got up for our flight back to Sydney. I couldn't sleep on the plane which was nice. After an hour or so train journey to UWS (University of Western Australia...Where we stayed before in Sydney) we decided we should get our food shopping done. So we lugged all our bags to the supermarket, got a load of food and then lugged that all back...we had forgotten how far the walk was...It was far.

Anyway, one of the girls who was there at the house got her ps3 out with fifa. We couldn't believe our luck. So most of the time, that's what we've been doing, playing fifa or ping-pong and watching a load of films. One of which is a newish film called Chain Letter...Ive never seen a worse film in all my life...absolutely terrible.

We decided we had to go to Bondi, seeing as we're in Sydney. It took about 2/3 hours to get there, including two train journeys and a connection via bus. It's overrated...sorry to say that, but it is. When we got off the bus, Chris and I both said "This is just like Blackpool or Brighton" ... Obviously the beach is sand, and the sea is clearer...but other than that, its not that great. I prefer Hunstanton.

So, that's Aus pretty much done, we're having a party tomorrow night with all the people here (apparently its a birthday party for Craig and birthday is in a month, Craigs is even further away....but nevermind). Then on Thursday morning we are off to Aukland NZ for the third and final part of the Super Adventure.

Thanks for reading, see you in NZ


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